I know you've seen this picture many times but it is one of my favorites by Josh and when I envision my bike journey this summer, this is a lot of what I see. I will be riding up many two lane, curvy roads and, in the first half of the ride, a large portion of those roads will involve climbing.
The problem is that it's easier to envision climbing mountains and hills for weeks on end than it will be to actually climb them. So instead of day dreaming about the uphill two-lane roads of my future, I'm continuing on my mission to build some legs of steel. Riding an indoor bike for 45 minutes while reading The Hunger Games is great fun and exercise but it's time to step it up a notch.
On Tuesday, Sarah and I spent 75 very intense minutes at Gold's Gym with back to back fitness classes. We did 30 minutes of CXWOX, a core strengthening class and then 45 minutes of spinning. The core strengthening was great but the spinning class changed my life. It is a no-excuses, go big or go home kind of workout that is sure to get me as ready as I'll ever be for 3,000 miles of biking. My plan is to take the class at least 2-3 times a week from now until June and to never slack off.
Do you spin? What have you been day dreaming about recently?
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