Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bike America: The Mini-Series

For many months I have been writing about this "3,000 mile ride" that I'll be taking on my bike next summer but I've never really written about it. The adventure I'm taking is becoming more real with each passing day. I will get on a plane to fly across the country exactly eight weeks from today and I will begin riding eight weeks from tomorrow.

I am counting down the days until this trip while also freaking out about getting everything at work done before I go. But I also think that, before I randomly start blogging from Northwest Washington (State, not DC), it is only fair to give you some background about what went into dreaming of, and planning the adventure.

Let this post serve as an introduction to the mini-series: Bike America. I will write one post a week, each about a different aspect of preparing for my two month bike ride across America. Here are some of the topics I have in mind:

  • The idea
  • Choosing and mapping a route
  • Logistics
  • Companions
  • Training
  • Food
  • Gear
  • What I'm excited about and what I'm afraid of

If there is anything else you want to read about, let me know. If you have any experience with this sort of thing, your advice is always welcome.

See you tomorrow for the first edition of Bike America!

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