Thursday, March 15, 2012

Outfit Ideas: St. Patty's Day Racing

1. Nike Tank 2. Twisted Tempo Short 3. Asics GT 2170 4. Pretty Edgy 5. Sparkly Soul Band 6. Clover Wristbands 7. Drunk Sweetband 8. Fuelbelt palm holder 9. Irish Beads

I mentioned in this post that I like to get festive on holidays and I know that I'm not alone. Saint Patrick's Day, especially, is one when nearly everyone likes to dress in green. And if they don't, they'll get pinched. So the question at hand is: what does one wear to a race that they're running on Saint Patrick's Day? I missed out on the fun of the St Patty's Day 8k in DC last Sunday but, instead, will be running my third half marathon on the actual holiday and I need to figure out what to wear. I've been searching the internet for ideas and thought I'd share some of my favorites with you. Enjoy!

Is anyone else running a race on or near St. Patty's Day? What will/did you wear?


  1. Fun!! I'm running a 5k on Saturday and am wearing a green tank, men's boxer shorts with shamrocks on them (Target!!) and green leg warmers (even though it's going to be hot). It's all about making a fashion statement, right? ;) Good luck this weekend!! Go get it!

  2. I'm running my third half tomorrow too!! My race outfit is on my blog ( Since I know a PR is unlikely, I decided a fun outfit is mandatory!!
