Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Virtual Halloween 5k

Kiley of The Daily Vitamin F recently came up with the wonderful idea of hosting virtual holiday races this year to encourage people to get out and be active, even on the holidays. It is pretty easy- all you have to do is run, bike, walk, etc. a 5k or more and take a picture of yourself with the certificate. Then you can enter to win some very cool prizes that she's giving away.


For my virtual holiday race, I put in a little more than 3.1 miles. I had plans to meet up with Nikki to return the key I used to cat sit for her this weekend so we decided to just combine our runs and catch up on our weekends. She ran to my apartment to pick me up, we ran back to hers, and then I ran home myself. There is no requirement to race in festive gear but I wore orange and black since I didn't have any run-worthy costumes.

She got to me around 6 and we took the long route to her place so we'd have a little longer to talk. The sun was setting and we were speeding along admiring the many kids in costume. Seventeen minutes later, we were at her place and had lots more to catch up on. We stood there for another ten or fifteen minutes and then I left in the dark, scaring her by saying "I'll text you when I get home. If you haven't heard from me in 20 minutes, call Josh." Nothing was going to happen but we are both paranoid and it's better to be safe than sorry!

I ran a quick and easy 1.5 miles home and finished my "race" at 3.44 miles in 30:04. I ran my Halloween 5.54K in an average of 8:44 minute miles.

Here I am with my bib, which I had to wait until today to print at work. Hopefully running the race on Halloween but photographing the bib the day after still counts!

I'm so excited to have participated in this first virtual race and can't wait for more! I recommend that you head over to The Daily Vitamin F to read about the holiday races and find out how to participate in the rest. If you'll be in DC for any holiday and want to run a virtual race together (is that an oxymoron) then holler!

Have you ever done a virtual race? Or a holiday race in general? Did you run on Halloween?

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the race! The virtual race is such a good idea, it got my butt off the couch and made me put down the candy bowl! :)
