Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Monkvember- November Goals

My friend Sarah participates in something called Monkvember every year. As she puts it, "Monkvember is a time to sacrifice, better, and challenge yourself for the month of November." She and her friends each create a list of at least five tenets of self-improvement and self-denial that they'll adhere to for the month. My favorite one of Sarah's each year is to "blog every day" and, luckily, that's on her list again. So when her tenets for Monkvemeber 2011 popped up on my reader yesterday morning, I considered participating for the first time. And when I sat down to write out my November goals, I couldn't help but be inspired by the monks.

So here goes nothing... the tenets for my first Monkvember are:

  1. No candy
  2. No Facebook stalking
  3. No saying sorry unless I truly am
  4. Pack a lunch every day for work
  5. Email my best friends (the ones outside of DC) at least once a week
  6. Stretch and foam roll every day
  7. Swim once a week

Other goals for November include:

  1. Run my first 10k and PR (yeah... it's impossible not to)
  2. Take at least three yoga classes at STROGA
  3. Buy "Run Less, Run Faster". Learn it and live it.

Happy November everyone and thanks for spreading the Monkvember trend, Sarah!