Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bike America Days 22-26: Side Trip to Chicago

Thursday, July 5- Monday, July 9, 2012

If you follow me on instagram, twitter or facebook, you may be wondering why I suddenly made it to Chicago from Wyoming in a matter of days. Or why none of my posts have been marked with the #carriebikesamerica hashtag I've been using all summer. Your answer is this: my parents and I saved up all the rest days that we should have otherwise used in the first 1,300 miles of riding and used them to drive to Chicago and back last weekend for my uncle Andy's wedding.

We drove all day Thursday, arrived on Saturday morning and drove back Sunday evening and Monday. The break was long-overdue and my body is thanking me for the rest. The wedding was beautiful and it made me very happy for my uncle and his new wife, Marty.

Since I know you prefer to read about heat rashes and fears of bears than dance parties and fancy dresses (right?!?) I'll keep my writing to a minimum. But I will say this: I had so so so much fun. It was so wonderful to see my family who I don't see often enough and to have so much quality time condensed into such a short period of time. It also made me excited to have my own wedding and stand in front of people expressing my love for Josh. But, actually, the standing in front of people with all the attention part terrifies me but I'll work on that.

I'll let the pictures tell the story...

VT Shaws minus Emily at the rehearsal dinner

Cousins dressed for America. Obviously we planned it.

 Saturday morning in downtown Chicago to see the bean with Nathan and my dad.

 Lunch with Marlee in downtown Chicago!

Hangin with the Vermonsters in their room Saturday afternoon. Tony plays what he thinks is called "dirty birds" in the background.

Marty and Andy tie the knot. The whole family gathers for a picture.

Playing on lake Michigan.

Tony and Joann waiting for drinks. I always admired their love and hand holding.

All the cousins and Nana.

Maryland Shaw men in tuxedos is a rare sight.

Meredith and Allie enter the tent.

Marty and Andy enter the tent.


And then we danced all night...

Mimosas, iced tea and the best brunch spread I've ever seen.

Biking is cool but I never wanted to stop hanging out with these people.

Saying goodbye...

Congrats to Andy and Marty!

Tomorrow we're back on the bikes. I can't wait to see how my butt and legs feel about that!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you were able to make a quick trip there to go to your uncle's wedding! I'm going to be in Chicago in about a week and a half for the Rock 'n' Roll Chicago half marathon, I can't wait!
