Friday, February 3, 2012

Thoughts From the Bolt Bus: My Kind-of Productive Week

Hello again, remember me?

I'm sorry for my posting fail this week. Due to an over-booked yoga class, a new couch to build, and a wine-filled dinner date with my mom, I didn't get as much sweating in as planned.

But here are some of the ways in which I was productive:

Bike Trip Planning
My professional trip planner, my mom, has done some amazing stuff with google maps and her "Summer 2012" notebook. We arranged a planning date last night at Bistro du Coin but it was more of a review of what she has planned. I did come out with a checklist of what I need to do in the next month or so. My mom is the queen of itineraries and logistics, and she loves that stuff so why fix it if it isn't broken?

I'm not exactly the queen of organization but I could be the queen of fitness and enthusiasm so, along with my checklist, I'm going to study the route religiously and make bike training plans for everyone.

There are so many details to hash out in the coming months but many of them deserve posts of their own. I will begin to share our plans with you next week.

Blog Redesign Planning
I had lunch with my good friend Julie on Sunday and we talked a lot about life and about blogs. She writes a beautiful blog about all things foodie, crafty, and girly and her posts are always filled with gorgeous pictures and graphics that she has designed herself.

She really has the aesthetics of blogging down. And I know that a blog's aesthetic is more important in her community of fashion, food, and design bloggers than it is in my community of sweaty fitness bloggers but I also think you guys deserve to look at the prettiest version of Sweating in Style there can be.

She was honest with me and said that my current header looks a little kid-like. I do agree with her and I appreciate the honesty. She has agreed to spearhead my blog redesign and branding project once I get the photos and ideas I want together. I'm hoping to have this all done in the next month or two.

Living Room Makeover
I have spent a lot of time the past month on pinterest and craigslist, dreaming up the best way to re-do my living room. There are still a lot of things that need to come together, and several DIY projects to be done, but this week, Josh and I made the biggest progress yet by putting our beautiful new couch together, buying new curtains, and finally organizing and filing our mess of papers. Josh still isn't sold on the filing-cabinet-as-end table-idea but I'm hoping he'll come around.

When it's all done, I'll show you some official pictures. This is where the "style" part of my blog comes to play. I may love to be sweaty and gross but I also like pretty things.

Romantic Weekend Planning
I'm on the bolt bus headed to that big apple up north for a quick and romantic weekend with one of my best friends. We have spent some quality time on gchat this week discussing where to get late dinner and drinks tonight, what to wear on our Brooklyn Bridge run in the morning, and where to brunch and shop post run. Very important business, obviously.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!


  1. I love the sofa! Hope you had a great time in NYC!

  2. I love the look of the new sofa/ room! I feel like it already makes the space bigger. I want another session of DIY, girl talk, blog talk, etc... I can't wait to get started with the redesign. You better start pinning graphics and fonts you like!
